In regards to

My name is Mélanie Marticorena and I am the proud founder of KALDO.
KALDO is the story of a return to basics. My source of life is the beach, since childhood. In July 1968, my father, Beñat Marticorena, at the age of 18, joined the first training course for lifeguards at the Grande Plage in Biarritz. My mother, Nicole Blanque, is the joy of life in Biarrote, an elegant and sporty silhouette with her two-piece triangle top and her iconic backrest, which remains, for me still to this day, the essential beach accessory. The beach is the evocative names of the Côte des Basques, Marbella, Milady, Ilbarritz, Parlementia… The beach is also the clan, the sacred space, the place of reunion, the DNA of my family.

From this family beach culture was born the desire to find
the accessories of my childhood and to bring up to date a simple object, emblematic of the 80s, the backrest or folding beach chair.
I worked with designers from the Basque Country and local companies to rethink the design, materials, fabrics, and set up short and eco-responsible circuits in order to protect this natural, universal and fragile setting that is the beach. The combination of a maritime pine CP structure resembling a surfboard and a colorful canvas recalls the fundamentals of Basque identity and childhood reminiscences: the stripes of beach cabins, the red of the Basque houses and the sand tone of the beach with the raw wood.
KALDO is the revisit of the traditional backrest,
a 100% French alternative, which reconnects with aesthetics through its design, and which ensures comfort and lightness through the choice of its materials.
It is the meeting between contemporary design and tradition.
Welcome to the KALDO universe!
Follow me, we're going to the beach...